Wednesday, 15 March 2017

PEIMQG March 2017 Sew-In

The temperature in PEI was FREEZING for the March Sew-In. Still we had a small group turn out to spend the day sewing and socializing...

Gail has been busy working on Tula Pink's "100 Blocks"

and here is another project she will be working on.

Linda was working on her "New Leaves" wallhanging... Can't wait to see this project progress.

Diane was putting together her Canada's 150th Big Bee Blocks for Ronald McDonald House. Love these slab blocks!!

Heather J was putting a hanging sleeve on a friend's Quilt of Valor

Roberta was making 4-patches and Half Triangle square blocks for her "Moon Dance" Quilt

Heather C worked on the Round Robin project,( but we can't show you cause it's a surprise!!!)

Lydea and Cathy worked on the "Chubby Charmer" tote.

Lydea got her's finished just in time for her sleepover. Great job Lydea!!

Thanks for coming out to sew on such a cold day, Better weather to come, I'm sure. I hope to see you at the March meeting...

The following Events are planned for the West Royalty Community Room, Sobeys, 39 Babineau Avenue, Charlottetown.  Save the dates.

March  23rd:               PEIMQG Monthly Meeting (7-9pm)

April  8th:                   PEIMQG Sew-In (9-4pm)

April 27th                   PEIMQG Monthly Meeting

 The following events are planned for the Brackley Community Center:
May 4th                      Krista Hennebury Trunkshow ( 7pm $5 at the door)
May 6th & 7th             Krista Hennebury workshops ( for details please contact                                                                                                                  

Sunday, 12 March 2017

QuiltCon 2017

Every year in February The Modern Quilt Guild hosts QuiltCon, This year QuiltCon East took place in Savannah, Georgia, and our PEIMQG President- Heather attended. Ever wondered what an event like QuiltCon has to offer? Here are some of the activities and sights that Heather got to enjoy during her vacation.

Arrival & Day One:
QuiltCon.  What an experience! Where to start? After an entire day of travelling, Charlottetown to Toronto to Newark, to Savannah and having every one of the flights delayed, I finally arrived.  Although, without my checked baggage!   Yikes, I have a class Friday morning which requires a rotary cutter and scissors...

I met up with my friends from Ottawa, for a nightcap and was thankful I planned for the next day so I had my materials for the two classes, minus some essentials for the following day.

Friday, my friend EP and I went to the ferry to cross the water to the Savannah Convention Centre, where QuiltCon was being held.  Look at the woodwork! The morning views, wonderful.

Er,  this ship was blocking the view of our destination...

So, we registered, and got a swag bag as one of the first thousand registered...sweet! 

We looked at the displays - Kona Colour Challenge and some of the charity quilts before heading of  to the first class.

So, my first class was paper piecing with Violet Craft.   You've seen Jean's stag, yep, that Violet Craft.  The volunteer for the class was also named Heather, and she graciously lent me her seam ripper, cutter and scissors.  I made two sections of ten, in class for my squirrel,  yep, might have being chatting.   My neighbour came from Alaska. Or, it could be these pieces are oh sooo  small...

Some of her designs, I forgot to take pictures of - the lion, giraffe, and the elephant in the room.

After lunch. I had a break and checked out some of the quilts and the vendor mall.  No purchases were made this day...I resisted temptation. Will save the photos for our guild meeting.

I attended a lecture by Elizabeth Hartman, which I enjoyed.  She loves pattern and colour and showed us what the impact of different fabric selected made to the overall quilt.

Then, it was off to my evening FMQ class with Angela Walters!  Awesome experience. Rarely do selfies,  but here she is and she graciously signed my book she wrote.

Day Two

Whew!  After a whirlwind of activity the previous day, today was a bit more relaxing.  Chose to have a leisurely breakfast at a nearby diner, walk the area around our hotel and check out the places where Forest Gump was filmed! Then we headed to the ferry to go over the water and catch our first lecture. 

Heard Cheryl Arkison defending UFOs and WIPs!  Great lecture and I had the opportunity to briefly chat with her afterwards.

Then, it was off to see more of the show.  My head was much quilty goodness, so I'll showcase a few.  Saw quilts from Tula and Angela as part of an exhibition...amazing to see in person...

Reject - Pieced by Tula Pink
Quilted by Angela Walters 

Impracticality - Angela Walters 

Impracticality - Detail

The deets

The best of show! Katherine Jones from Tasmania. Paper pieced and quilted on her domestic! Stunning to see in person. Wow, just wow...

There were so many fabulous quilts.  A few of my favourites...
From the 9 patch challenge...
9 by Jo Ann Cooper

9 by Julianna Gasiorowska

Others that caught my eye included:

smoke by Katherine Jones

Handcrafted by Jennifer Johnston

Not Easy Being Green by Mary Keasler

Going Rogue by Julie Elliott 

My cat is a jerk by Monica Solorio-Snow

I went to a lecture by Angela Walters and she was awesome! Very entertaining. The stories she told...

The quilting details...

Well, after that we went to the Pirate House for supper and Leopold's for ice cream.   Both were culinary experiences.  Another splendid day.

Day Three

Well, this day was the last day of QuiltCon. :(

The schedule for day 3 included a workshop with Christa Watson in the morning. So after breakfast and a visit with the Waving Girls,  we headed over the water for my FMQ class.

The Waving Girl

Christa showing some of her quilts and the quilting she used.

We tried out several motifs on our prepared quilt sandwiches.

After class,  we made one more loop around the vendor mall, voted for our favourite quilt, lunched with our friend Robin from VA, and did a sightseeing tour of the city before heading to dinner at The Pink House next to our hotel.

Whew!  I packed many activities into my visit to QuiltCon 2017!  

I will prepare a slide show for my guild so they can see what fabulous quilts were hung.

I would go again, although for a longer period of time.  Highly recommend attending. There's lots to see and do, and wonderful people to meet along the way. Pasadena 2018 or Nashville 2019?  Oh the places we shall go!!!  Until next time...

Wow Heather J, It looks like you had a fantastic time.... Can't wait for the March Meeting to see the slide show and some of the swag you brought home with you.

The following Events are planned for the West Royalty Community Room, Sobeys, 39 Babineau Avenue, Charlottetown.  Save the dates.

March  23rd:               PEIMQG Monthly Meeting (7-9pm)

April  8th:                   PEIMQG Sew-In (9-4pm)

April 27th                   PEIMQG Monthly Meeting

 The following events are planned for the Brackley Beach Community Center:
May 4th                      Krista Hennebury Trunkshow ( 7 pm  $5 at the door)
May 6th & 7th             Krista Hennebury workshops ( for details please contact