Saturday, 28 January 2017

PEIMQG January Meeting 2017

Heather J opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the first meeting of our 2nd year as the PEIMQG. We had 14 members and 1 guest in attendance. A big welcome to Nancy.

We had a brief introduction to our newly elected Executive officers: President- Heather J, Vice President- Colleen, Treasurer- Dawn, and Secretary/blog- Cathy V.

Our other coordinators include: Charity Program Coordinator - Dianne; Swaps and Challenges Coordinator - Liz; and Special Events Coordinator Susan. Feel free to contact any of us with questions, suggestions or concerns.

We would also like to recognise Catherine M for taking the lead on an exciting project for Canada's 150th celebration.

The Treasurer's report was presented to the members by Dawn.

Next up, Liz presented Queen Bee 2016 Dawn.  This simple block is to be made with any shade of purple, tone on tone you choose (batiks, solids, grunge as long as it reads as purple). For those who missed the meeting, Dawn will bring them to the next few Sew-Ins, so please make arrangements to pick up your kit.

Queen Bee January 2017 Lydea, chose this striking log cabin block using a solid black 2 1/2" square as the centre and 1 1/2" strips of black & white and white & black for the logs. 4 rounds of logs and alternating sides like the picture shows: ( I found it easier to have a medium fabric that contrasts well with the black and the white so they don't create a box where the logs meet at the corners.)

Next up was the New 2017 Round Robin challenge:

For the first round, we will be adding a 2 1/2" unfinished border (2 " finished) to EITHER the Top & Side OR the Bottom & Side (L- shaped border). Please be creative and remember to read any notes that are in the box as well.  Don't forget to sign and date the label if it was provided. Have fun! The block should measure 12 1/2" after the first round.

Susan collected the Quilt of Valor blocks and showed us the progress she's made assembling them.  She also was January's Book, Blog, and Fabric speaker, so come back and check out the blog next week to see what she shared with us!!

Catherine M. discussed our Canada's 150th Celebration project with the group, She had lots to share!! The PEIMQG will be having designated Sewing Days to work on this project, Saturday January 28th is the first one.  Here are just some of the blocks we made during this fun day together.

Upcoming Sew-in days are:

Saturday Feb 4 (7-9) Regular scheduled
Sunday Feb 5  (12-7)  Canada's 150th quilt
Sunday Feb 12  (12-7) Canada's 150th quilt

Feel free to drop in and help out, (There's lots of work to be done 😉).

We are all getting excited about the upcoming Trunkshow/Workshops with Krista Hennebury (May 4th and 6-7th). Members wishing to attend please arrange payment as soon as possible to save your spot.  If you know any non-members who might be interested in attending, please forward the information to them or have them contact for information. This is an awesome opportunity for PEI and we want everyone who might be interested able to attend.

The PEIMQG was humbled to receive this note from the Orlando MQG, thanking us for being part of the "Quilts for Pulse" project.

Here is one of the quilts that were sent out.

Show & Share:

Liz brought in her completed CQA "Big Quilt Bee" for Ronald McDonald House.

Here is the label she made for the back, love the bee Emmett's Grammy:

We are still accepting slab blocks, for anyone wishing to participate, but please have them to Heather J. or Susan by the February Sew-In.

Susan had several projects to share, She has had a very productive Autumn.
First up her " Valentine Fantasy" wall hanging

Her adorable " Fish quilt" which will be going to a charity in the future.

Here's a close up..

Her pretty Jolly Bar quilt

Here's a couple quilts made from orphan Churn Dash blocks.

This whimsical Sail Boat quilt

Another Bento Box quilt

And one of her 4-Patch quilts

Linda shared this great "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Tote, which we were all envious of.... Better keep an eye on that bag Linda!!

Lucinda shared her Twins' Baby Quilts

and this sweet Fox quilt top.

Jean shared her jaw dropping "Glazed Windows" quilt made from Tula Pink's 100 quilt blocks.

Here is her pieced back.

And we all loved Catherine M's hat, just too much fun.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Guest Blogger January 2017

I am so excited to share the following guest blogger with our readers. Her talent and generosity is an inspiration to me and many others. She's a prolific quilter, author and fabric designer. Her latest partnership with Craftsy shows her fun personality and sense of humor. I think the Midnight Quilt Show is a huge success and can hardly wait for the next installment in this weekly series. Please welcome Angela Walters to our blog this month and be inspired by her beautiful work and fun personality!!!

 Here is Angela's "Impracticality" Quilt. Love that texture!!


  1. What do you love about  (Modern) quilting?

I love how quilting can add another layer of art to the quilt and Modern quilting gives me a chance to do that.

"Paint Falls" by Angela Walters
  1. Where do you draw inspiration?

I get alot of inspiration from my customers, which give me so many great ideas. I also love to look at architecture, looking at buildings, especially when I travel.

  1. What are you currently working on? (Can we have a sneak peek?)

More episodes for the Midnight Quilt Show and some other stuff I can’t quite share yet.

  1. Solids or Prints?

Prolids!! Just kidding!! Is it ok if I love them equally?

  1. Precuts or Stash?

Precuts, so I can get to the best part, QUILTING, quicker!!!

  1. Favorite Tool/Trick you can’t live without?

My Handi Quilter straight edge ruler! I use it for stitch in the ditch, smoothing out the quilt, and making diagonal lines.

  1. What’s your Favorite Blog and/or Designer?

Tula Pink!

"Peaks and Valleys" by Tula Pink
"Stacked" by Tula Pink
  1. What’s one thing we should know about you?

I’m not a perfectionist, at all!

Thanks Angela for the great post!! Everybody be sure to check out her blog for fantastic tips and tutorials on improving your quilting skills. I also love how her personality really shows in her blogposts. She seems to be a very humble and gracious person, who deserves every bit of success that has come her way.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

January 2017 Sew-In

Happy New Year from the PEIMQG! I hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays and that they are looking forward to 2017 as much as I am. I have lots of Quilting and Life Goals for the upcoming year. 

We started 2017 with our Sew-In taking place a week earlier than usual because of a previous booking at our venue, but we still had 9 members in attendance or dropping by to say hi. It was so nice getting together to relax and sew after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Dawn was working on a flanged binding for "Kylie's Cuddle Quilt". Front of the quilt features Colleen's Queen Bee Blocks from our first round.

Lucinda was working on 2 baby "Bubbles" quilts for some Twins. Double the fun!!

She also brought her awesome sewing machine cover, Sew Pretty!

Janice was busy working on 2 projects. Firstly her " Modernitional Bear Paw" by sewfreshquilts who featured a free sew-along. This quilt is amazing. such tiny pieces and so many HTS's (Half Triangle squares).

She also showed us this still unnamed wall hanging, with faced binding and featuring some fabric painting. I am not the only one who would love to have a workshop on this project. (Hint, Hint...)

Heather J was working on binding this wedding quilt. Curved 4-patches using the Quick Curve Ruler and her original design make this stunning quilt
"With Love, X O."

Here's a close up of her Curved 4 patch blocks...

Linda was working on binding her "Funky Chicken" table runner. The fabric choices in this were perfection. Love the Whimsy. I will have to try making some of these fun blocks.

Jean was also binding her quilt. This is her "Snakes and Ladders" quilt

And a close up of the blocks....

And her backing suited the quilt perfectly...

Cathy worked on her Amish Medallion Quilt, a Free Block of the Month from Craftsy. After the first lesson she no longer fears paper piecing. Here is her first month completed.

Liz was working on her "Metro Rings" quilt, so many pieces to cut...

Roberta stopped by for a visit and to drop off Susan's Queen Bee blocks (a reminder to all members who still owe Susan her Bee blocks or QOV blocks, please bring them to the January Meeting).

We sure had a lot of fun getting together. I can't wait for the next Sew-In.  Hope to see you there!

The following Meetings are planned for the West Royalty Community Room, Sobeys, 39 Babineau Avenue, Charlottetown.  Save the dates.

January 26th:               PEIMQG Meeting (7-9 pm)

February 11th:              PEIMQG Sew-In (9-4 pm)

February 26th:              PEIMQG Meeting (7-9 pm)

March 11th:                  PEIMQG Sew-In (9-4 pm)