Friday, 28 August 2020

PEI Modern Quilt Guild August 2020 Meeting

Here on the island, the temperatures are cooling off and it seems like summer is coming to an end with some hints of leaf colour changes to signal the onset of fall.  We continue to be extremely thankful with the small number (less than 5) active cases of COVID-19 and with our public health guidelines, we can gather safely in small numbers.  So we had our first in person meeting since March 2020, hosted by one of our members in her long-arm studio and recreation space.  What a wonderful experience to be together again.  Eighteen of our members were able to come to our meeting.

We had our block lotto blocks on display and Susan was the winner of these beauties.  She gave them to Brenda who was interested in making something with these blocks.

Our guild committed to making two Quilts of Valour Quilts in 2020.  One is already with the longarmer and Susan is showing us the 9-patch which will be part of a disappearing 9 patch block once reassembled.  Members took the kitted blocks and will bring them back for our September meeting.
Can't wait to see the finished quilts!

Liz shared the Christmas Cracker exchange planned for our December meeting.  Members were amazed at what you can fit in a toilet paper roll, wrapped in Christmas fabric!

Velda shared her E-Zee-Pee-Zee Whirly Gig blocks when demonstrating the next block lotto block for our October meeting.  These look like they would be easy to put together and my imagination is running wild as to the setting possibilities...

Blueberry Cove LongArm Quilting Studio sponsored the Trend Tex swag bags at our retreat this summer.  Within the bags there were ballots for these two beautiful prizes.  The lucky winners were Janice and Martiza!

Recently we did a pouch swap with the Victoria MQG.  The participants in attendance brought in their lovely pouches for everyone to see.  Look at these beauties!

We then moved to the show and share part of our meeting.  Here is Liz's cute I Spy Baby quilt that she quilted.

Roberta shared her Posh Kitty, quilted by another member Colleen.

With a back full of kitties!

Roberta shared her Lady at the Beach mug rugs that she did on her embroidery machine.

And here is her At the Beach wall hanging.

Roberta shared her work on Zen Chic's pattern using the fabric line Chill that is being offered at the LQS.

At the retreat, Dawn was working on Penguin Party for her granddaughter who is moving out next month.  What a fabulous finish, quilted by Colleen.

And the back...

Linda is trying very hard to make a dent in her batik stash, but she is not convinced it is working after completing her Flying Geese quilt, quilted by Colleen.

And the back...

Here is Linda's quilt Stepping Stones, quilted by Colleen.  What a beauty and love the background colour chosen to offset those blocks.

Linda also shared Nancy's Rope Bowls, as she was unable to attend the meeting.  She did a fabulous job.  These were as a result of the skills learned from a workshop taught by Jean at the retreat.

Velda continues on her mini quilt work.  These are as a result of the prompt from Curated Quilts using crosses and their colour scheme.  Here is here ++ Mini.  Great grid work quilting to also showcase crosses in this quilt.

Velda's second mini using their prompt.  Such different designs and so creative!

Shelly shared her Blue Log Cabin.  Shelly spent the day with Jean and Doug quilting her quilt on their longarm.  She shared it was a long day of quilting this baby!

Cathy K. shared her Memory Quilt.  She cut up her mother's clothing and made a number of quilts for her family which she found was a great healing process.  Colleen quilted this beauty and we were all emotional when Cathy shared the note found in the envelope for the recipient.

Cathy V. shared her recent purchase of Tula Pink's latest collections from a Canadian store.  Lots of fondling followed as she passed these around.

Heather has been working on her UFOs found in her sewing room.    Here is the result of winning the block lotto earlier this year.  She gathered up more low volume fabrics to design this setting to showcase the blocks.  Quilted on Jean an Doug's machine using blue thread.

And the back...

Heather just recently finished this Elizabeth Hartman "Awesome Ocean"quilt. It was well worth the effort involved to make this special quilt!!

Heather participated in a Polaroid Block swap more than 5 years ago with quilters from the UK, US and Canada.  She finally pieced them together in this setting to showcase the fussy cut fabrics on Kona Forest.  She also used an orphan block for the back to get it out of the closet!

And the back

Jean shared her latest rope bowl.

Jean has been working on her Christmas presents.  Here are her potholders with cute fabrics on the front and showing the quilting on the yellow back.

More potholders with gnomes and mushrooms!  What great gifts.

Jean loved the PEIMQG raffle quilt (yet to be raffled off) in the guild colours so much that she wanted to make her own version of the Lilla quilt - a pattern by Cheryl Arkison.  While she loves the guild colours, she challenged herself to use colours that she would not normally use, and her jumping off colour was mustard!  What a great colour combo and mustard is now a colour which has its place in her stash!  She quilted it on her longarm using green thread.

Martiza also attended the rope bowl workshop at the retreat and here she is juggling her wonderful creations!

And the insides!

Lucinda did not bring her work with her, but was describing the quilt for her nephew and we caught a sneak peak of it on her phone...

Susan shared the mini she received from the recent CQA swap from her partner from Calgary.

Well our members have been very creative and we had a super in-person meeting.  We will continue to meet in person at our members' homes for the short term until we are able to return to our usual meeting space.  Until then, we will continue to Quilt forward...