First off, we had to make silly here we all are...having a good laugh.

We quickly moved to the business aspect of the meeting and discussed the block lotto with a reminder they are due in June. We also got an update on our pouch swap with the Victoria MQG.
Here is our raffle quilt, in our guild colours, fresh off Colleen Henderson's long arm machine and the detail shot is below. After discussion, the members present agreed we would defer our raffle until the 2021 guild year. The pattern is Lilla, by Cheryl Arkison and Lotta Jansotter.

We also discussed having a virtual quilt show in the fall where members could showcase one quilt as all the venues where we would enter our quilts this summer have been cancelled. More to come on this idea as we flesh it out further.
For our program, we took advantage of the share screen feature to showcase some of the features of the MQG website.
Then we moved into the show and tell aspect of our meeting.
Here is Jean's Love from Above, a Charley Harper pattern. Jean quilted it on her long arm and we all admired the quilt.
Lucinda has been working away at stash busting. Here are two of her works in progress.
Janice shared her Quilt for Nova Scotia, which the Maritime MQG is organizing following the recent tragedy in that province. Janice machine quilted this quilt on her domestic machine. Here are photos of the front and back.
Roberta has been very prolific during the pandemic period. Here are her quilts:
This is Red Guess and was quilted by Colleen Henderson.
This is Roberta's block of the month sampler called Spotted More Paper by Zen Chick and was quilted by Blueberry Cove Long Arm Quilting Studio.
Some small quilts - about 7"x 9" that Roberta made.
Roberta's Maple Leaf runner that she quilted.
A fabulous summer beach scene.
Until next time...