Monday, 30 March 2020

March 2020 Virtual Meeting

Well, in this time of physical distancing, the guild decided to get sewical!  Thanks to the MQG mothership, we were able to book a Zoom slot so we could hold our March 26th  meeting virtually.

Fifteen members in two provinces were connected for an more than an hour.  Here you'll see thirteen of us... with our beverages of choice out of sight off screen.

Angela Walters was our role model!  After checking in with everyone, it was time for our abbreviated agenda.

Our president worked with our swap coordinator to ensure all the pouches were photographed so we could share with the members before they head to the other side of the country to the Victoria MQG.  Such talented members and we cannot wait to see what our swap partners made in exchange.

We also were able to see all the President's Block Challenge blocks submitted to date. Our President loved all the packages left between her front doors and had fun photographing the blocks using the 2019 COTY and summer theme.   We were all wishing for the snow to be gone!  There will be a future post to showcase them all, and cannot wait to see who takes the viewers' choice award.  Hope you'll come back to vote when that post is live.

We wrapped things up with show and tell. All in all, despite a few technical glitches, a great meeting and a fun way to connect while staying home.
