It is a beautiful fall month here on the Island and the trees are flaunting their gorgeous yellow and red leaves. We gathered to learn and share our love of quilting. We had four guests join us for the jammed packed agenda Thursday evening.
We shared our guild members progress this month of our Elizabeth Hartman's Sew Along. We now have more than 100 members in the FaceBook group creating along with us! Each member chose to do their choice of the designer's pattern and their own creativity. Here are some of the blocks shared along with a photo of this lovely fabric!
In August, the Block Lotto pattern was shared and 64 blocks were up for grabs. I cannot wait to see what Dawn does with the blocks!
Susan shared her proposed Block Lotto block with the group due at our December meeting. Members can choose to make a 6.5" block or a 12.5" block.

Jean shared how she created these gorgeous pumpkins with a fat quarter of fabric! Who knew there were other uses for TP and sticks.

As this is our fifth anniversary year, Members received a treat in recognition of this event wrapped in a charm square. We think this will serve everyone well!
As not all members have received their surprise, we'll keep this one under wraps a while longer...
We had a fabulous show and share. Here are the beauties:
Linda showed her "Keep the Blazes Home 2 of V x1", quilted by another member Colleen. She shopped completely from her stash. Love the checkboard fabrics amidst the colour.
Susan showed a number of quilts tonight. This one was sewing machines Heather C pieced and Colleen quilted.
Our guild committed to making two Quilts of Valour quilts to be donated to Veterans living on the Island. This one was made from charm squares and pieced at the July retreat by members. Susan put the blocks together and Colleen graciously donated her expertise to quilt it.
This is the second one to be quilted and the pattern started with a nine patch comprising of charm squares that the members pieced and Linda put together with the sashing rows. It is off to the longarmer with a few extra blocks to be incorporated into the backing.
Susan is also a member of the Red Clay Quilt Guild and brought their Quilts of Valour quilts to show as well. These quilts will be given to the PEI QOV representative to give to Veterans. The guild members made the blocks and a sewing day was held last month to piece the tops. They have been quilted by another member, Liz.
And the back using the remaining blocks!
Heather showed some of her recent acquisitions. The
Canadian Mod Quilters Collective hosts a month long parade of Canadian quilt shops showcasing modern fabrics. Eye candy galore and it is always wonderful to travel the country to quilt stores virtually. Some fabrics included Ruby Star Society, Low Volumes and Alison Glass wovens in stripes.
Anna just had this Awesome Ocean quilted on Doug and Jean's longarm by Cathy V! Such a wonderful pull of fabrics to go with the solids including some Kaffe Fasset and Elizabeth Hartman fabrics.
Cathy V. shared her latest design which she is tentatively calling "Gemstones", where each one represents the birthstone of her husband's family. She just finished quilting it on the longarm and trimmed it before the meeting started!
Cathy V. also shared her "Sweet Grass quilt, a kit which has left the stash and has been quilted and bound! Its an older quilt kit, and as her style has shifted would be a great pattern in modern bright solids! I wonder if she will do another? Cathy quilted it on Jean and Doug's longarm.
Velda shared her "Sheltering at Home" quilt. She is a member of an online bee and requested blocks that evoked her beemates' homes and experiences while sheltering at home during the pandemic. Velda and Jean quilted this beauty.
Some detailed shots of the fabulous blocks Velda received.
Jean shared her "Kaffe" quilt. Jean curated of all these marvelous Kaffe Fassett fabrics and designed this quilt to use every scrap! She was proud to say, that this was entirely made by her!!! 100% pieced and quilted on her longarm.
Janice shared this lovely Market tote that she made from a class online from fabrics in her stash! She will be all set for her Christmas shopping adventures.
Well, that is a wrap on October's meeting. Our November meeting will take place at a venue to be determined as we continue to navigate through this period of time. Until then, be kind; be patient and be safe!